get in touch today


Feel free to contact me anytime to arrange an appointment for a free fifteen minute chat, a full consultation or a follow up appointment. Consultations are usually booked in between Monday and Friday from eight thirty onwards and I am available some evenings to accommodate international clients.

Ill health doesn’t restrict itself to the hours of nine to five, Monday to Friday and for this reason, as a client I’m available to you most of the time.

social links


call +44 1524 316009 email

international consultations over skype or zoom located Lancaster, UK

client stories

“I would highly recommend the advice and herbal medicines available from Amanda”


“I really cannot praise your Salvia Complex enough. It’s a miracle”.

Jill, 49

I felt such a big improvement, my panic attacks have stopped and I now feel I am able to get on with my life, no longer stuck with a dark cloud over my head”. 


I have been seeing Amanda for around 2 months and during this time have noticed significant improvements in my physical health and wellbeing.


“Since I started taking the remedies prescribed by Amanda following my consultation with her, the results have been stunning. I am no longer suffering hot flushes”.


“If you would like a better and healthier life-go for Amanda’s herbal products. My improvement has been fantastic since taking these herbs!”

Ruby, 45

“For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.”


enquiries & bookings

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